Sunday, April 25, 2010

Max and His Fe and Alexis

Max J. Edralin, Jr., has been a friend of mine, and of a great many others for years, mine for decades. He is going through one of the most trying tests a mortal man could ever be put through.

Early morning of 22nd April, his beloved wife, Fe, passed away after years of battling cancer. Her remains are at the Capilla de San Francisco, Santuario de San Antonio in Forbes Park. She will be buried tomorrow.

Early this morning 25th April, Alexis, adored granddaughter, light of Max's life, young and of bewitching soprano voice, followed her Lola to heaven. Max loved and lavished care on them.

There must be a way to understand things like this. There must be a way to plumb the depths of a friend's sorrow.

All this friend can do is pray for the souls of Fe and Alexis, and marvel at and thank the Lord for the courage and loving kindness of Max.

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